Gov. Jindal Demands Info on the Syrian Refugees Obama has Shipped Into His State

Thousands of people from Syria are flowing into Louisiana, and as news comes in that these very people were responsible for the Paris terrorist attacks, Gov. Bobby Jindal is fighting to find out just who these people are.

In a letter to President Barack Obama, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal demanded information about the Syrian refugees entering his state via New Orleans.

The 2016 GOP presidential contender framed his demands in the context of the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday. He wrote:

“Last week, the city of New Orleans began receiving its first wave of Syrian refugees. As with former immigration crises and federal relocation policy, Louisiana has been kept in the dark about those seeking refuge in the state. It is irresponsible and severely disconcerting to place individuals, who may have ties to ISIS, in a state without the state’s knowledge or involvement.

As Governor of Louisiana, I demand information about the Syrian refugees being placed in Louisiana in hopes that the night of horror in Paris is not duplicated here.”

Jindal demanded information about whether “additional protections and screenings will be put in place,” particularly following the Paris attacks and the discovery “that some of those responsible…held Syrian passports.”

Additionally, Jindal demands to know the level of background screening conducted on the Syrian refugees, and whether “all Syrian refugees seeking relocation in the United States will now be cleared by the Terrorist Screening Center?”

Finally, Jindal expects to receive information about the level of monitoring of the refugees that will be conducted once they are placed in Louisiana.

Obama must answer these demands, or it can be assumed that he cares more about relocating these strangers from ISIS strongholds than he cares for the American people.

Source: Brietbart



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