Even as California staggers under the weight of its rampant tax and spend policies, Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and his cronies in Sacramento continue to focus on pandering to the state’s massive population of illegal aliens.
Milton Friedman famously said “you can’t have a welfare state with open borders”, but as anyone who lives in the Golden State will tell you, their politicians simply refuse to acknowledge this simple fact. As if extracting an exorbitant amount of taxes from citizens wasn’t enough, the liberals who run California have basically invited illegal immigrants to come on over and take their “share” of the wealth.
If you still have doubts as to the harmfulness of these reckless policies, look at the state of the Golden State today: the floodgates are literally bursting and all Governor Moonbeam can think about is protecting people who aren’t even citizens.
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Jail time
No money if they don’t obey the law!
Absolutely the stupidest man–self serving–should be run out!!!!!
One useless bastard…..He is nothing but a spoiled little brat…..
Do the citizens in California feel safe?
Let California without AMERICA __ DIE
It must be what California wants. They elected all the officials.
no we did not, Illegals elected Brown, he made sure of that when the idiot gave illegals drivers licenses. We need to take California back and impeach all these idiots
California taxpayers should foot the bill and then vote brown out of office.
In 2014 California passed a 7.5 Billion Dollar Water Bond. What happened to that Money? Why was it spent on Illegals instead of the Oroville Dam! My daughter was evacuated because Brown spent our water bond money on Illegals. He should be impeached immediately