Almost 30% of California’s schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English. It’s like California is another country at this point – very Marxist and with another culture taking over.
One wonders if this is enough for Gov. Brown as he stated last week that all immigrants are welcome in California.
Click the link below for the full story:
“Teach” them every day.
I’m really sick of this c**p! We live in the United States of America, not Mexico, Iran Iraq etc., I’m tired of foreign nationals coming to this country and refusing to learn English! I’m tired of seeing bilingual labels on the things I buy at the store. I’m sick to death of being told I’m not politically correct for not learning to speak Spanish fluently. I speak enough for MY needs! If someone is going to live in this country, they need to speak the language, obey the laws and observe the customs. Otherwise, Welcome to the USA! Now go HOME!
Why aren’t ALL of them going to california?
Send them All back!
Throw them all out
Brown is moron
well you rainbow governor you wanted it, you got it, queers and mexicans
Send them to his neighborhood he invited them, he can care for them in his yard
And his State is nearly Bankrupt.