Almost 30% of California’s schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English. It’s like California is another country at this point – very Marxist and with another culture taking over.
One wonders if this is enough for Gov. Brown as he stated last week that all immigrants are welcome in California.
Click the link below for the full story:
The drugs must have killed his brain back in the day.
Send them all to Ca
send them all home!!! lets take care of our children and elderly!!!
if they are going to live off our taxpayers hard earned money then one of MANY requirements is to LEARN ENGLISH, THIS IS AMERICA’S LANGUAGE NOT SPANISH!!! also put back into our system with community service as in paying back & earning your keep is some SMALL way
Let California keep them fall in the ocean solves two problems democrats and illegals both gone.
Hell no. No more illegals!
Thats because they are Scottish oops sorry they aint deserted England yet
NOT OKAY. Assimilate or go the $#%&!@* home!