Almost 30% of California’s schoolchildren are either illegal immigrants or do not speak English. It’s like California is another country at this point – very Marxist and with another culture taking over.
One wonders if this is enough for Gov. Brown as he stated last week that all immigrants are welcome in California.
Click the link below for the full story:
Why am I seeing green on their faces. Do they realize the meals that they are eating are coming from the Moucho food program?
it is wrong to invite people, especially little children to come and “live with you” when you know that you are so poor you cannot even take care of the children you already have. I wonder if Brown has thought about how he is going to take care of all these children. Also, many may be ill, how will he provide for their medical care. He welcomed them, it is his responsibility to care for them.
I’m in Oceanside, Ca. My wife and I attended a “Welcome Parents” assembly at my kids’ school in which the entire one hour assembly was spoken in English, then Spanish, one sentence at a time. Infuriating. Nothing was accomplished because no one could continue to pay attention. Just like in their classrooms. We homeschool now.
I hope not maybe all the states will send the illegals to that State and let the Libs pay for their great ideas.
these children have a better chance of being good people than any of those who hate them.
I don’t support illegal immigration but I find these children adorable. The blame should not be placed on either them or their Mothers. Blame should go toward Barrack Hussein Obama and the ones who are using them as a tug-o-war rope and in order to sway the vote. Treat them with humanity and dignity but I ask, where’s the dignity for a legal resident who can’t find a job because said job is being performed by an illegal. Menial Jobs and part time jobs of the sort which teenagers often hold, have been taken by illegals. Teenagers should be able to find a job mowing lawns, being a bus boy, fast food worker, carpenter, grocery sacker or stocker, etc but such jobs have been taken by illegals.
Pretty soon he’ll have to learn another language to communicate with his subjects or the vote won’t go down as well for him !
Well! Didn’t he just say, Send us all the illegals here, to us.
CA is near bankrupt and they want to take on more wasteful people. stupid people in CA and too bad many others around the country think they are smart. time to tell CA to sit down and shut the hell up
here is a very smart idea stop helping the illegals, stop given them things n they will stop coming.