Gov. Abbott: ‘Soros Helping Obama Buy Way Back Into Power’

Every 10 years states reconfigure legislative and congressional voting districts based on population demographics. Otherwise known as gerrymandering.

This controls the way the votes are tallied and represented.

Texas is the fastest growing state in the country. A lot of liberals have been hopping from the senile old goon’s (Pelosi) state of CA over to Texas. But, these liberals crossovers aren’t aiming to vote conservative. They just want to blindly enjoy the perks of less government, lower taxes, and smarter regulations while voting like a bunch of CA Jackasses.

Soros and Obama led initiatives are rigging the districts to put all these CA liberals and minorities into the same districts regardless of geography. These newly rigged districts will resemble the voting district maps in CA.

And it’s not just Texas. Democrats are looking re-draw hundreds and hundreds of congressional districts across the U.S.

This is terrifying as Soros has meddled in our elections before and you’ve seen the results. You just didn’t go crawl up onto a mountain and shoot yourself when you saw the sweeping liberal legislative big government whore that was Barack Hussein Obama. You saw that. And still alive today. So do something. Fight this tyranny.

As Gov. Abbott warns, and as a government insider he would know,

What Obama could not accomplish while in office, turning red states blue, he will attempt to do now through the machinations of this “super group” — a partisan focus unbecoming a former president.

The GOP needs to take the Soros network and the Holder, Obama, and Pelosi alliance seriously.

The integrity of the people’s vote is at stake.

We must ensure re-districting efforts reflect the will of the people — not the depth of donors’ pockets.

I urge my fellow Republicans to act now.

Complacency at the state and local level in 2018 will threaten the integrity of our elections and the future of our nation for generations to come.

Source: Washington Examiner





  1. Richard B MacCarthy
  2. Nancy Greene
  3. Charles LeGrand
  4. Beckie Whitlow
  5. Scott leard

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