Our constitution was effectively re-written once again this week, as a group of liberal judges on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decided that the right to gun ownership in public is not protected by the constitution. It makes one wonder, if judges think that the ability to carry a gun isn’t a constitutional right, what does the Second Amendment protect?
This ruling is further proof of the dire need this country has for conservative judge appointments, and no sitting Governor seems more aware of this than Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
In a tweet attacking the senseless conceal carry decision, Abbott leveled a clear threat, “come and get it.”
Unfortunately for the Governor, state executives and legislators are being stripped of their rights to create and enforce the laws in their own states. Instead, activist judges have decided to grant themselves lawmaking power in order to push their personal agendas.
Continue reading on the next page to see the Court of Appeal’s shockingly absurd decision:
file suit against the judges of the ninth circuit court and the fifth circuit court make them answer for their anti-constitutional rulings
Good for him.
Don’t ever back down Greg Abbott!
These judges are elected by us. Remember they’re names. Everyone of them. When voting time comes,it’s our opportunity to rid them. They will have to rip the guns out of my hands,if they can get that close. All these states that try taking gun privlidoes away they should not get.the funds,or protections of the government. These Holyet than though Jack$#%&!@*Judges.
All these Liberal idiots should be rounded up,and be put in a concentration camp where we can watch them. They are terroists to.me.
He is an idiot!!
Amen Governor.!!
He is wonderful man….I wish he was OUR Governor here in California….lol….man…wouldn’t that be somethin’! He would have these liberals having anxiety attacks all over the place…..looking for safe places….lol….