Barack Obama has been one of the biggest offenders of all time in pushing through laws and new policies that completely ignored the processes required by the Constitution. He seeks to destroy the coal industry using unelected bureaucrats at the EPA who are under no real Congressional oversight, and who do not answer to the public at all.
Obamacare is another example of a law that was passed without following the required process of review and access. And of course the most recent effort to force gun control through an executive order is a clear example of executive overreach, and all of these examples clearly show that our hallowed form of government by the people has been ignored and besmirched.
But Obama is not the only culprit, with Congress also implementing laws and instituting policies that do not pass Constitutional muster. When Speaker of the House Nancy Polosi suggested that they would have to pass ground breaking legislation in order to see what was in it, the clear indication was of out of control legislators who had forgotten their duty to the people and were merely puppets following the whim of lobbyists and policy makers without recognizing their critical role in protecting the people and abiding by our founding documents. And lest we forget, the Supreme Court itself, the one agency that should be most attuned to the central document, seems to have devolved into a partisan stand-off that “find” things in the Constitution that simply are not there.
It is heartening, then, that Texas Governor Greg Abbott has proposed the “Texas Plan” which would call for a Constitutional Convention of States in order to add nine amendments to the Constitution with the intent of restricting the power of the federal government and bringing government activities back in line with the original intent of the founders.
See proposed amendments, page 2″
We are way past time for this. Get it done!! Where do we sign up?
There was no fore thought when Obama allowed the Invasion of Muslim or when he opened the Mexican border and allowed 5 million Illegals to settle in the us without legal paperwork. the list goes on. he ignored due processes and now the American people must suffer.
Let’s secede while you at it!
The source of the problem is only no one is executing the Constitution but only abiding in terms, so Obama already knew that nobody will boldly use the impeachment proceeding against his lawless deeds.
Go for it all states
Except there is no limiting the “amending”, and it will be hijacked by corporatists to undo all our individual rights, especially the 2nd amendment!
Amen brother
Yes!! The Republic not the Democracy!
The Government has been committing crimes against America for decades..they’re using a new tactic now a days with stating out right treason hoping we won’t or can’t believe our own ears! And do nothing about it….they’re strategy has worked! No body does anything about the crimes they are committing everyday! Nobody except TRUMP ….Its like we are numb in shock and can’t react! To their tyrannical actions and illegal laws! Trump has awakened a sleep giant! If he’s not elected there will be a second American Revolution !