Barack Obama has been one of the biggest offenders of all time in pushing through laws and new policies that completely ignored the processes required by the Constitution. He seeks to destroy the coal industry using unelected bureaucrats at the EPA who are under no real Congressional oversight, and who do not answer to the public at all.
Obamacare is another example of a law that was passed without following the required process of review and access. And of course the most recent effort to force gun control through an executive order is a clear example of executive overreach, and all of these examples clearly show that our hallowed form of government by the people has been ignored and besmirched.
But Obama is not the only culprit, with Congress also implementing laws and instituting policies that do not pass Constitutional muster. When Speaker of the House Nancy Polosi suggested that they would have to pass ground breaking legislation in order to see what was in it, the clear indication was of out of control legislators who had forgotten their duty to the people and were merely puppets following the whim of lobbyists and policy makers without recognizing their critical role in protecting the people and abiding by our founding documents. And lest we forget, the Supreme Court itself, the one agency that should be most attuned to the central document, seems to have devolved into a partisan stand-off that “find” things in the Constitution that simply are not there.
It is heartening, then, that Texas Governor Greg Abbott has proposed the “Texas Plan” which would call for a Constitutional Convention of States in order to add nine amendments to the Constitution with the intent of restricting the power of the federal government and bringing government activities back in line with the original intent of the founders.
See proposed amendments, page 2″
Judy Caton Not sure how you figure the US is the only free nation in the world… Austrailia, Japan, Belgium… on and on
I think Gov Abbot is a great man, but has been misinformed on COS (Convention of States). On the surface the concept of a COS sounds great – but there are some glaring facts that need to be added in any COS discussion that most folks are not aware of … (Sorry for the length of the post, but every one of these points are important.)
1. Liberal communists were the first group to begin advocating for a COS. In order for them to implement a full reformation of the U.S., they have to get our Constitution out of the way. The only way to do that without a civil war is through a COS. This very fact alone should be reason enough for any Constitutional Conservative to fight against a COS! Just because it is one of the methods our founders included in the Constitution, does not mean it is wise to use it in this political climate when there are other methods they gave us that are much more prudent to what we need to get done today.
2. They have succeeded in getting some of us to believe that we need a COS to get amendments for a balanced budget, term limits, immigration reform, tax reform, now states rights or any other issue, but that’s NOT true. The last several amendments went through the process of nomination and acceptance in Congress then ratification by the States fairly quickly because the States (so the people) were behind them. They didn’t need a COS!! COS advocates are trying to convince us that they can ratchet down the agenda of a COS so that it doesn’t become a run-away event. Truth is, once the convention is convened, it doesn’t matter what was agreed to prior, the event can and has taken on a life of its own, even to voting in its own ratification rule which could take the states approval right out of the equation! The last COS held went off the rails this way. All the states sent delegates with specific instructions – that promptly went out the window once the meeting was in session. The result was the Constitution we have now. The only reason the result was favorable is because then everyone was united behind a common goal, just disagreed, enthusiastically, about how to reach it. Back then being a statesman and having integrity meant something. We cannot trust the political climate today.
3. Many of the things folks think they need a COS to get amendments for, we already have the power to implement! Most of the issues would be resolved if DC would enforce the Constitution to the letter and the laws already in place. We can already apply term limits…career politicians only get that way because voters keep putting them back in office – only to$#%&!@*about their performance, but turn around and vote ‘m in again. Isn’t that the definition of insanity?
4. My particular favorite reason is WHAT makes us even begin to think that new amendments would suddenly make DC begin to honor and protect the entire Constitution when they can just as easily ignore the new amendments too??!! Why put out the energy on COS that will put our present Constitution at risk or at best give us a bunch of new words to be overlooked and just leave us as frustrated as we are now?
5. The States already DO HAVE the ability to enforce States Rights – they have the power to nullify any unconstitutional law or instance of federal overreach. Nullification is already being used by many States for everything from ocare to gun control, executive orders and EPA regs!!! The language in these state resolutions has been including that any federal or state agent seeking to enforce these laws, orders or regulations shall be subject to arrest on felony charges prosecution and punishment including prison time. The most recent example in the news was the law just signed by Gov Otter in ID nullifying any federal attempt at gun control. Nullification is real, it sends an immediate message to DC, and it’s effective. More and more States are recognizing it all the time. At this point in history THIS is the Constitutionally provided remedy we all should be empowering our State governments to implement. NOT a COS!!
6. We The People also have a remedy against unconstitutional laws called civil disobedience which is also being used right now. Examples that were in the national news are WA and CT were people defied gun control legislation; the people vs BLM at the Bundy Ranch in NV, and now the Hammond situation and occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge compound in OR, and the less media covered numbers of people who refuse to enroll in ocare. We are not without means but we have to be prepared to make a stand come what may.
We do NOT need a COS to right our wagon, but the lib/communists need one to take it over. For the record, I like Levin, but disagree with him on this matter. Need more info?
Let’s get on it!!!
should have been done long ago
To all you must push congress to move. And now. Send a message move or loose your jobs. Yes folks congress , the senate , and all elected officials have jobs and work for US and the U S . We have lost our way. YOU MUST THEN VOTE THIS YEAR! And remove this outragous misuse of office. Why is congress so fearful of acting. Congress please explain
And yes i agree and put Obama under the prison that my opinion
“Executive orders” are not how the government was set up to work! The House and Senate are supposed to pass or reject presidential bills. Obama is breaking the law by, basically, trying to “royally decreeing” laws that aren’t in the Constitution. Hopefully, the next president will have the spine to use “Executive orders” to undo every single one of Obama’s executive orders. Liberals/progressives will have no ground to stand on, by objecting to the next president using the same authority and tactics that Obama used.
We know if obama were to remove guns that muslims would be who he gives them too!