Former Vice President Al Gore has been caught stretching the truth again. In an interview with The New York Times, Gore claimed that the sudden appearanceĀ of fish swimming in the water-filled streets of Miami was a direct result of the polar ice caps melting and consequently driving tides up.
A quick check with the National Weather Service, however, shows that the soaked Miami streets are primarily caused by “high astronomical tides due to the lunar cycle” that render the coastal cities of Southern Florida particularly vulnerable.
Keep reading to hear the National Weather Service explain in depth why Gore was wrong:
The skies falling the skies falling hurry duck mr gore
The big news would be if he ever told the truth!
Climate change is a lie. Global warming is a lie. It is called weather. Scams to levy more taxes and inhibit growth of the US economy.
Just because Al Gore said it, Duane, doesn’t mean it’s not true. Most places along the seacoast are affected by tides and that’s always been the case. There are places in Miami that are being flooded by seawater now because sea level is rising.
Miami is next to the sea. It is expected of course.
I’m amazed how people expect the earth to accommodate their comfort.
It used to be a paradise up north. Lush vegetation. Now it’s all frozen. And those people who lived in the tropical paradise can no longer yell about the global cooling that took place at that time.
It’s a natural change of the earth. It was much warmer than anything we have ever witnessed or ever will witness as well.
what do expect another lid dem”
So who is telling you that the climate isn’t changing, and that the sea level isn’t really rising? Why do you believe them?
The climate has to change.
Change is, and always has been constant.
That’s why climate change is a hoax.
Prove climate change isn’t happening.
You can’t. Cause the earth is flying thousands of miles an hour thru space.
It has to change to the exact relative distance the earth is from the sun every second.
Man made climate change is the hoax. One volcano eruption is beyond any co2 and or carbon dioxide emission humans can even come close to matching in our entire industrial history.
The key to the whole thing is;
The people
(like Gore) are pushing policy for us peasants to curb our carbon emissions, they want you and me to curb our emissions,
they will
curb their own emissions.
Their own individual emissions are bigger than some entire cities.
They are in the process of using climate change as a tool to control all of society. To rid their competition, and or to eliminate the possibility of any competition. Publicly spoken about.
Then as they have written,
rid the planet of you, your family, your friends, and all of mine too, from this earth.
But then maybe you don’t read their books, their white papers, their official guidelines that are public that talk about getting rid of you and me.
A good place to start is the Obama appointed Science officers publicly available book
This is surely an eye opener. Maybe you should read it to see what is said about you in it.
It states how via policy how they are going to strangle society to corner humanity into oblivion,
all except for them of course.
They have a goal of only 500 million people at most on this planet.
That means over 6.5 billion people have to get out. And you and I are part of that 6.5 billion people.
I don’t know, Duane. You can hate Al Gore and his “Inconvenient Truth” all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that this year on this globe is the hottest it’s been since they started keeping records. It has something to do with the physical properties of carbon dioxide, which has increased to be the highest in history, and which holds in heat. NASA depends on our science-hating Congress for its funding. Maybe we should look at what NASA scientists have been discovering and wonder why they would want to bite the hand that feeds them.
Big freakin surprise !