Ted Cruz might have ‘won’ the battle in Iowa, but it doesn’t look like he’s on his way to winning the war in the next battleground state.
Surprising many, the Texas senator managed to come out on top on Monday’s Republican primary, beating frontrunner Donald Trump by a small-but-sound margin. The results were highly controversial, with some conservatives contesting their validity and pondering if the GOP establishment got it’s hands dirty helping Cruz so as to keep Trump from getting anywhere near the party’s nod.
Cruz supporters point to their candidate’s popularity amongst Christians in general and evangelicals in particular as the reason for his success, with Iowa being home to any number of professed Christians. Unfortunately for Cruz, this advantage is likely to do little for him in New Hampshire.
Unlike the solidly religious state of Iowa, the Granite State boasts the second-lowest rate of church attendance in the entire country. This could prove disastrous for Cruz, given his close call against Trump on Monday.
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It doesn’t pay to cheat. It eventually comes out in the end.
Marti Rundus agree with you. They are wolves in sheeps clothing. They won’t show their true agenda until after they are elected.
With Trump, what you see is what you get. He is honest and forthright.
Ted Cruz
I’m sorry I know I’m off topic but Please read and share.. I’m a grandmother that’s angry and heart broken at what child protective services and the foster home did to my grandson Malakai Deese the main stream media will NOT pick up my published story. http://medicalkidnap.com/2015/11/08/north-carolina-child-medically-kidnapped-starving-to-death-in-foster-care/
Child Protective Services are very corrupted the foster parents have abused my grandson and yet they get a one way ticket free to abuse, if a parent had done this the child would have been taken out of the home but my grandson has been abused. Child protective services uses title IV funding to kidnap children from INNOCENT FAMILIES , CPS is a adoption mill. Truly abused children left in the home and those are the children that you see on TV that are terribly abused and or murdered because they are considered damaged goods and not adoptable CPS leave those children in the home and DOSE NOT CARE. The media needs to STOP hiding the TRUTH about what’s truly going on in America.
Cruz committed political suicide in Iowa.
It’s all planned Iowa – stolen , next give Trump a win one, but rubio keeps on getting padded * inflated pole #s make it look real…. so frustrating. Let the people’s votes count. Stop control stop fraud.
They are look like Obama
Go Donald.