Ted Cruz might have ‘won’ the battle in Iowa, but it doesn’t look like he’s on his way to winning the war in the next battleground state.
Surprising many, the Texas senator managed to come out on top on Monday’s Republican primary, beating frontrunner Donald Trump by a small-but-sound margin. The results were highly controversial, with some conservatives contesting their validity and pondering if the GOP establishment got it’s hands dirty helping Cruz so as to keep Trump from getting anywhere near the party’s nod.
Cruz supporters point to their candidate’s popularity amongst Christians in general and evangelicals in particular as the reason for his success, with Iowa being home to any number of professed Christians. Unfortunately for Cruz, this advantage is likely to do little for him in New Hampshire.
Unlike the solidly religious state of Iowa, the Granite State boasts the second-lowest rate of church attendance in the entire country. This could prove disastrous for Cruz, given his close call against Trump on Monday.
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good… karma is a$#%&!@*!!
Trump 2016!
Cruz, Rubio, Bush etc?? are bought candidates??? Rubio, the GOP darling…(meaning they will make a way for him to win the nomination) (you can see the push with the media already) Instead vote for Trump the “real” outsider….the only person who is not bought!! The establishments darling was Bush…now they turned to Rubio..this means he is also a bought politician …he wont be able to do anything for the American citizens and only do the agenda of the establishment (The Elite, lobbyist) be smarter then this ppl…dont you understand how Washington works yet!!!! he will be a puppet and nothing he promises will ever get done. Ask him who is funding his campaign …then you will realize who youre really voting for! Hint: its not Rubio !! or any other candidate that is bought by the lobbyists. Friggin wake up ppl, there is only 1 candidate whos not bought…yep Trump. If you love him or hate him he is the only one who cant be controlled and he will work for the American ppl..So do the right thing…if you truly want change for the better in Washington then vote for Trump!! If not..say good bye to the USA…it will become another Russia …or a 3rd world country. or better yet..the way things are going it will be the Middle east in the west…the New Syria!! wow are ppl that ignorant to not stop this??! Seriously its a no brainer!! Vote Trump 2016! let him be Americas voice in Washington!!! And after hearing this and you still want another candidate you do not understand how Washington works..you still think each candidate are their own ppl and what ever they tell you you believe. Do you understand who the elite are?? They own the world !!and they have a agenda (Agenda 21)and when they buy a candidate that agenda is fulfilled. These ppl are evil and dont want anything that is good for the ppl…if anything, they want the masses sick, dead or slaves..Study these things, so you’ll understand before you back any candidate. This election is so important!!! Be Smart!! Vote for Trump!
After the stunts his political machine pulled he lost my faith in him. Lying about Dr Carson to steal his votes and misleading the Iowan voters with letters of voting violations if they didnt get out and vote. Pathetic! Thats why Americans are sick of politicians in the first place. They lie and cheat for their own selfish gain. Grass roots my$#%&!@* If he thinks lying and cheating are American values become a liberal Democrat. Dont try to relate to hard working Americans the struggle everyday to make an honest living!!!
Dam right that fool is a lieing fool.
that is because nh is filled with liberals
Thug in a suit!!
take his$#%&!@*back to Canada.
We finally seen the establishment side of him..already have LIAR’S , CHEATERS AND THEIVES in the White House..let’s not replace one with another…