The GOP establishment just won’t give up. After failing to stop Donald Trump in the fall of last year, then failing to rally behind a viable alternative after voting began in the winter, anti-Trump Republicans seem to have run out of ways to keep Trump from getting the nomination.
Of course, that hasn’t stopped them from trying. Despite the fact that Trump won both the popular vote and the delegate count by significant margins, many within the Republican party are still looking for ways to deny the billionaire businessman the nomination that is rightfully his.
Their newest efforts focus on changing the rules at the Republican convention. Despite how they may spin the move, their ultimate goal is to wrestle the process away from the voters and place it firmly in the hands of the Republican elite.
See how they intend to put their plan in action on the next page:
when they do they can say goodbye to the Republican party. It will never recover.
Get Ryan out of the speaker of the house position!!!!
Time,Time again Democrats and Crooked Hillary will lie to your face .
Trump Puts America First.
Vote for Trump your next President. Make America Great Again.
they want a revolt from the people of this country? That is what they will get
One American citizen one vote. We have no need for an electoral collage. We The people want popular vote only.
If that happens it will go down in History as the worst mistake the GOP ever made. There will be no Republican Party.
We will follow Trump to s third party and/or write in our votes . We will he heard. Our loyalty is with the candidate we feel is best for our country not to the party. The GOP is commiting suicide.
They have done such a horrible job up to this point. What makes them think they can put someone up against Trump that the people are going to accept. Trump signed an agreement that he would run as a Republican and he has. So now it is time the Republican party got behind him and run the Clintons out! Time is getting short to start organizing a good campaign. Tell the GOP to big their big boy pants on and man up. Get behind him and help make America great again!
they will figure out a way to screw up Trump and the people who want him to be President .
Trump for president