The GOP establishment just won’t give up. After failing to stop Donald Trump in the fall of last year, then failing to rally behind a viable alternative after voting began in the winter, anti-Trump Republicans seem to have run out of ways to keep Trump from getting the nomination.
Of course, that hasn’t stopped them from trying. Despite the fact that Trump won both the popular vote and the delegate count by significant margins, many within the Republican party are still looking for ways to deny the billionaire businessman the nomination that is rightfully his.
Their newest efforts focus on changing the rules at the Republican convention. Despite how they may spin the move, their ultimate goal is to wrestle the process away from the voters and place it firmly in the hands of the Republican elite.
See how they intend to put their plan in action on the next page:
1% RINO, 99% Trump support. These people who don’t get on board want to take down the country with Hillary. We Americans need to get everyone we know to the polls, no matter what party Trump represents he has my vote! Who’s with Mr?
GOP !!! You people are going to start another Revolution .
People have no idea what is happening! The people voting for Hillary are going to be very surprised at what she has in store for the people! It’s not going to be what they think. Our senior citizens are the ones being hurt the most! Them changing the age you retirement! Amount of food stamps they get. The age you can retire. Decrease in their money if the retire at 62. How dare them do this to our seniors that are our mothers, sisters, grandmothers.
The American people have spoken! Only Trump! Or you will have Hillary!
and Paul Ryan just sent me an email asking for money to keep Congressional seats away from Dems….my response ! are you nuts, why would I help you ?? you haven’t done a thing to help the American people who voted for him more than anybody ever! these GOP elites think they are above everybody else….they will soon learn that they aren’t
the republicans will be saying goodbye to their positions in nivember if they do that
The American people are the rule makers They need to enforce their rights by removing The rnc chair and the speaker of the house. If the republicans block him they are done because the American people are tired of the corruption in Washington and should revolt against this c**p. Yank The dam crooks out of office and imprisoned or hang The lying sobs
You write Trumps name in and vote for him
You can always do as i am when it comes to donating i do not agree to send the RNC or the conservitive party any donation at all but i do donate and just did to D Trump through his pres web site that way i know if the rinos want to put someone else in at the convention let them go ahead Trump can then run without the RNC or anyone else
It will end the Republican Party — and every one connected with this —