The GOP establishment just won’t give up. After failing to stop Donald Trump in the fall of last year, then failing to rally behind a viable alternative after voting began in the winter, anti-Trump Republicans seem to have run out of ways to keep Trump from getting the nomination.
Of course, that hasn’t stopped them from trying. Despite the fact that Trump won both the popular vote and the delegate count by significant margins, many within the Republican party are still looking for ways to deny the billionaire businessman the nomination that is rightfully his.
Their newest efforts focus on changing the rules at the Republican convention. Despite how they may spin the move, their ultimate goal is to wrestle the process away from the voters and place it firmly in the hands of the Republican elite.
See how they intend to put their plan in action on the next page:
I’ll write his name down anyway
“Try to keep this in mind, Donald Trump did not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Trump is not stirring a race war. Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazzi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims. Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian ,Al-Qaeda. Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East. Trump did not betray Israel. Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Trump did not give our military secrets to China. Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia. Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans. Trump did not cripple our economy. Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. Trump did not ruin our credit, twice. Trump did not double African American unemployment. Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years. Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans. Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay. Trump did not steal your rights!”
If hillary wins it’s civil war,if donald wins we need to demand the arrest of all people that have conspired to destroy this country from school teachers to congressmen!
Don’t even think about it!
Changing the rules in the middle of the game. Isn’t that that what we used to call cheating?
Warning GOP the party is definitely
dead if you pull$#%&!@*at the convention. The people have spoken
most votes in Republican history
you will not mess with Trump you
do we vote you out of office now
how do you feel about that you
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If they do then the people who voted for him will be voting for someone else to be their representative in washington come fall elections so if you dont want a career in politics or any of your children to be in politics you wont do this to the people’s choice,
Trump won the nomination. They try to do this and no Republican would ever trust the GOP agaain
Quite possible they will not win the election with less than the voice of the majority (we the people) stupid to put the majority in a position that they want bow to the so called GOP. We have spoken (can’t you hear)?????????
We will just write him in on the ballot……