The GOP establishment just won’t give up. After failing to stop Donald Trump in the fall of last year, then failing to rally behind a viable alternative after voting began in the winter, anti-Trump Republicans seem to have run out of ways to keep Trump from getting the nomination.
Of course, that hasn’t stopped them from trying. Despite the fact that Trump won both the popular vote and the delegate count by significant margins, many within the Republican party are still looking for ways to deny the billionaire businessman the nomination that is rightfully his.
Their newest efforts focus on changing the rules at the Republican convention. Despite how they may spin the move, their ultimate goal is to wrestle the process away from the voters and place it firmly in the hands of the Republican elite.
See how they intend to put their plan in action on the next page:
There will be a popular uprising
So they really love their NWO Agenda and Clinton that much? Trump won the most votes in GOP in history and they’re trying to steal it?
If so I will never identify with them again, it will truly become a democratic government.
Big mistake
They won’t be stripping Mr Trump! They’ll be stripping the American Voters!
This is exactly WHY Trump did so well in this election cycle. We the People are sick of the rule changes right in the middle of the game. We are sick of politicians who think they know better than we do! The Establishment GOP can try everything they can, but it won’t work this time. The people are behind Donald J. Trump. Deal with it.
Some one needs to tell these pwoplw that America choose Trump and if they do not back him their careers are over because the soclaiest will put in 3 socialest suprime court judges and they will never get a republlican elected, the country willl no longer be free.
The effete rino establishment is going to find itself in a world of hurt i they keep this c**p up! They will be no more! Cut off your nose to spite your face, not only will you look stupid, but you will find yourself standing alone! No Party! NO PERKS! You will be a distant memory!
They cannot be that obtuse