The race to the GOP candidacy for 2016 has been unlike any other race before, with so many different nominees running all at once without any sign of dropping out, and Washington outsiders like Trump and Carson polling miles ahead of the other nominees. It’s a strange time, but what is most unsettling is how the GOP establishment has reacted to these proceedings.
Big donors are uncertain of Trump and Carson and establishmentarians, who had been hoping the two would disappear, have been left uncertain of how to proceed. There has even been talk of cajoling Mitt Romney into running again and sprinting through the primaries. What none of the GOP establishment have considered is throwing their support behind Trump or Carson. Hillary Clinton is more appealing to them right now.
These are strange times for the Republican Party, but the establishment feels the likes of Hillary Clinton are more appealing than their most popular candidates.
Find out more about the GOP’s strange disconnect on page 2.
Whomever, is the last guy standing, will get my vote….I WILL NOT STAY HOME…..I would vote for a snake before letting that LIAR in the WH.
That’s because they are all sleeping in the same bed of corruption and greed
Take a page from the Clinton profile, throw her on too of the pile of dead vodies they have accumulated.
Maybe when they can clean the White House out but I hope they get rid of the drugs and porn. too.
The establishment GOP are RINOs. They are democraps posing as republicans.
I could vote for that ticket too
RINO’s need to go. Might as well be a dirty Democrat.
So true Ann
Sure because Trump and Cruz won’t be bought or sold…the party has lost all respect for me! I am going with whomever will serve the American people justly! Trump and Cruz all the way!!!
Who wants an old worn out near 70 LIAR for POTUS?