Need any more proof the GOP is overrun with RINOs than this? The country club that is the Republican party is not happy at all with the runaway popularity that Donald Trump is skillfully commanding.
Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, etc. etc. have all come out railing against the Don.
Now, a concerted plot to severely marginalize Trump seems to be in the works.
Shaking the dust off the skeletons of career politicians, speaking the truth and they can’t control him…
Trump is a RINO. Do your research!
What don’t you understand the Republican Party has sold there souls to big business and they don’t want Trump to rock there gravy boat
It has become clear many people don’t know what RINO stands for. Republican in name only. That describes Trump to a tee.
Take Him Down NOW.
No way we are voting for Donald Trump 2016. Yes we need to replace Democrats and Republicans. They need to go.we need new blood in. Young men.only.and American people that believe in the Cons$#%&!@*ution.
Trump admits to funding past campaigns, so what, many have done the same. the difference is that he as made a stand against the powers that be while the rest of the elite fell in step with the Traitor in the White House
Rhinos better play nice or they will be sorry!
All parties need to be taken down for high treason; the only reason they exist is because we got comfortable.