Need any more proof the GOP is overrun with RINOs than this? The country club that is the Republican party is not happy at all with the runaway popularity that Donald Trump is skillfully commanding.
Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, etc. etc. have all come out railing against the Don.
Now, a concerted plot to severely marginalize Trump seems to be in the works.
The GOP is chopping their own foot off. The more they try to cut Trump out of the GOP functions the more I will lean his way. Hell, I’m doing that now. I like some one that can talk straight and not lie about any thing just to get elected.
Why Don’t Asked AMERICANS The Majority Who Have Been Disfranchised From Late 60 S Up To Present
Rio please try to get more candidate off the list of 16 and you will increase your chances but you will be like a stupid democrat.
Why can’t these idiots take Obama down? They are to busy killing each other instead of doing what they were elected to do! TRUMP 2016
They don’t like tough compe$#%&!@*ion !!
Why in the heck don’t they put all this collective energy into taking down the pos potus???? Instead, you’re trying to take down someone whom the American people as a whole totally support??!! You should be joining him in his quest to straighten out this country…not villanizing him constantly. HE isn’t the enemy. If you can’t recognize WHO is… then you’re either incompetent or in agreement with the commies in this administration. Either way… WE are seeing who is TRULY for America and who is not!!!! A few of those have been big disappointments. Others, I already suspected they were Democrats hiding behind the R for RINO. Pumped for Trump!!! Go Donald!!
We are findng out where the hearts of some of the so called republicans hearts really lie, Trump as president would clean house and start anew!
GOP it doesnt matter we want him as president of u.s.a they need to stop being so judgemental of donald trump
Then they will lose to Hillary Clinton.
It is far too crucial for the “rino’s” to be playing this game, either they get back to their roots, or they and our country is over. PERIOD