Need any more proof the GOP is overrun with RINOs than this? The country club that is the Republican party is not happy at all with the runaway popularity that Donald Trump is skillfully commanding.
Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, etc. etc. have all come out railing against the Don.
Now, a concerted plot to severely marginalize Trump seems to be in the works.
I’d rather they take down something more needed ODUMBO.
it won’t work fools
Will the GOP please stop wasting time on Trump and spend time letting the people know that the Democrats are infested with communism.
the more they plot to take him down the more he rises
The GOP has to many RHINOs/progressives in it that have sold the American people out. It they remove or take down Trump it will be the end of their party.
RINOS…shoots self in foot…
Stand by for a news release that Trump has committed suicide.
Afraid to debate someone who may hold there feet to the fire.
The RINOS cant take you Down Donald, Go Get Them !!
Watch your back.