Need any more proof the GOP is overrun with RINOs than this? The country club that is the Republican party is not happy at all with the runaway popularity that Donald Trump is skillfully commanding.
Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, etc. etc. have all come out railing against the Don.
Now, a concerted plot to severely marginalize Trump seems to be in the works.
I’ve been saying it all along both Democrats and Republicans are all wrong they need to all be put out of office new blood in and Donald Trump just happens to be fighting for the American people and the Americans believe in the Cons$#%&!@*ution not like all the money making rich 37 term years of service their corrupt our government is corrupt
How long have our politicians like President Obama, John McCain, Rick Perry, Hillary Clinton, The Bush Family, Socialists like Bernie and Pelosi, had to fix simple things like Illegal Immigration and decades abuse in the V. A. See the problem yet? STOP THE MADNESS, THE TRUTH HURTS AND HEALS. LIKE, JOIN, VOTE. #Trump.
These rino Republican party is the reason I’m fed up with them.They will not impeach Obama, they’ve shown what a bunch of cowards they are.
Crazy. Need to take down demos
Rhinos Better Back Down. We are MAD. We Will Break Your Backs this Time.
Time to kick out the rinos, I.e. Commies
I guess since he’s not part of the establishment he threatens the Washington inner circles…..
Democrats and repuclians both suck
We want trump @[100001206202978:2048:Gigi M$#%&!@*one]
GOP sucks as bad as the DemoRats.