GOP lawmaker, Rep. Michael Turner pointed out that America is in the wake of North Korea’s long-range missile test, and that thanks to Obama and his plan of sequestration he has “hollowed out” the U.S. military leaving the country vulnerable to all the threats it faces.
Turner said he is backing Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) for president. He said Kasich would be able to balance budgets and spur economic growth.
“…the issues of balancing the federal budget, he chaired the Budget Committee and delivered a balanced budget for our nation,” he added of Kasich’s tenure in the House.
“And then on the issue of national security, he served on the Armed Services Committee, he knows the needs of our military, and he certainly knows how to satisfy them.”
As Obama strives to break apart any entity that may stand against him in the long run, he begins by dismembering the military in any way he can, even if it is disgraceful.
Obama killed two birds with one stone when he stated that “there is no debate on the existence of man-made global warming and the ensuing climate change,” but that it is his view that global warming is the country’s foremost national security threat, or close to it–meaning that he will drain funding for the military by overloading them with “Combatant Command planning to address climate change-related risks and opportunities across the full range of military operations, including steady-state campaign planning and operations and contingency planning.” Read more about Obama’s military use for the fight against Global Warming here.
Somebody tell me this is a joke.
Take Army Maj. Gen. Robert Dees who says that Obama’s mandate for lifting restrictions on women, homosexuals, and transgenders from joining the military is not much a “social experiment,” but a “top-driven mandate for social agendas that occurs by this administration within the military, which is a captive audience…it is not enhancing our readiness; it declines our readiness.” Read more here.
Even the General warns about the many ways Obama is gutting the military clean — replacing the patriots with the politically correct.
Because Obama has stripped the U.S. military of any capabilities for protecting its people, the nation is now only “marginally able” to defend itself, according to a new report by The Heritage Foundation. Read more about this here.
Obama is so reducing the military to a new level of use by removing anybody who could possibly stand in the of his agenda.
Source: TheHill
“Spoke out against the increwasing threats..?” You mean he was bragging about himself again?