Super Tuesday Two was supposed to settle the question of whether the Republican Convention this summer was going to be contested.
If Trump lost both Ohio and Florida, a brokered convention was all but guaranteed. If he won both, he would likely enter the convention to win the nomination on the first ballot.
Instead, we got a draw. Trump lost Ohio, but won Florida, and so the question of his path to the nomination is as big a question now as it ever was.
The establishment has now got a more difficult, but not impossible road ahead to steal the nomination from Trump, and they’ve enlisted the full donor class to work out a plan to make it happen.
See what they’re saying to the delegates poised to be at the convention on the next page:
Of course they’ll try
If they do, I have a feeling that the republican party will be as good as dead. They also might as well just give Killary the office if they do not back Donalds if he has the majority of the peoples vote. I am not saying I think Donald is the best choice but, I am saying he is far better then Killary or Brenie as far as I am concerned. Killary would be the same as 4 more years of Oasswipe and Bernie would just tax all working class more so there could be more freebies for those that choose not to work and pay their own way. To me neither one of those is a good choice.
a vote for CRUZ or HILLARY is a wasted vote save your time and just don’t vote unless you vote trump
Looks like the GOP wants to lose again.
The establishment out……Trump in.
The purpose of all of these folks having really good cushy jobs is to serve the people. If this is your representative VOTE him out! Facts are the TAXPAYER (the People) pay his salary to represent their choices in laws and regulations, it is past time to send them all Democrat and Republican a message they will never forget. SEND THEM ALL HOME!
I want the GOP arrested for illegal rigging of elections, they have no legal right to do this, everyone knows they don’t try to hide it, I WANT THIS STOPPED NOW!!!!!
I see all Trump supporters do not recognize the fact that their candidate does not have the majority of Voters. More Republican voters want someone else.