Super Tuesday Two was supposed to settle the question of whether the Republican Convention this summer was going to be contested.
If Trump lost both Ohio and Florida, a brokered convention was all but guaranteed. If he won both, he would likely enter the convention to win the nomination on the first ballot.
Instead, we got a draw. Trump lost Ohio, but won Florida, and so the question of his path to the nomination is as big a question now as it ever was.
The establishment has now got a more difficult, but not impossible road ahead to steal the nomination from Trump, and they’ve enlisted the full donor class to work out a plan to make it happen.
See what they’re saying to the delegates poised to be at the convention on the next page:
Our local state and politicians have been lying to us for years it’s really true and media and the debates have opened it up
If they are going to ignore election results, why do we have the primaries, or why do we even vote at all?
I second that Motion, Archer, you’re an Idiot
The idiots in Washington is fixin to p**s off a whole bunch of people who are about fed up with all this election nonsense. You lie thru your teeth, refused to abide by the Constitution, willing to spend money on people that have done nothing for this country, but yet turn your nose up and ignore hundreds of thousands of American Citizens. Refuse to bring charges against high profile criminals that have soured their federal office, instigated riots in many cities under false pretense. Most American people see this and yet you think we are dumb. Look in the mirror and see who really is the dumb one.
Na we voted for him the boys club shitting them selfs so scared of trump my self trump has my vote
Ignore the election results and ignore the people you will regret it cause we will never ever support your party again. You have been warned, do not go against the will of the people
This is America. Gop should stand behind Trump. Quit ignoring the American people.
we the people dont need th GOP
People do one thing before Nov. And put Hillary Clinton in your computer and see all the thing’s that come up about the Clinton’s! Killing, Rape and thing all covered up! How did they get away with so much ! Will trump have to wake you all up with all the dirt on the Clinton’s! It’s out there you just have look and read! Hillary covered up of Bill dirty work while in the White house. They hold there head up hi and are not a shamed of any thing! Bill dropping his pant’s while in the white house. Instead of Monica it should have been Lauraina bobb it! Chelsea being Hillary bussniss partner daughter.Wester Hubell her father! Bill having a son in Arkansas who he disown’s because his mother is black! Scandal after scandal Mudder in the white house and said he killed his self.Was Bill best friend! All the lies coming from the Clinton’s! You think Bill Cosby was bad? Read about Bill Clinton raping women! What a wonderful family but the dirt is out there! They don’t want you to see or hear about them! We don’t need trash in the White House again!
If they do this, it will be the end of our open democratic election system in this country.