Super Tuesday Two was supposed to settle the question of whether the Republican Convention this summer was going to be contested.
If Trump lost both Ohio and Florida, a brokered convention was all but guaranteed. If he won both, he would likely enter the convention to win the nomination on the first ballot.
Instead, we got a draw. Trump lost Ohio, but won Florida, and so the question of his path to the nomination is as big a question now as it ever was.
The establishment has now got a more difficult, but not impossible road ahead to steal the nomination from Trump, and they’ve enlisted the full donor class to work out a plan to make it happen.
See what they’re saying to the delegates poised to be at the convention on the next page:
The GOP is planning on stealing the Nomination from Trump.. All the Trump supporters need to keep track of the present Republican Politicians that are going against Trump.. When it comes time to re elect these guys,, they may need to be voted out of office..
Last chance for people to wake up and deliver a major knockout to the establishment. The alternative will be the end of democracy.
Sure sounds like the media and the super pacs are trying to influence the general public in this election. Since when do the people of America have to put up with foreigners trying to buy the presidency.
The GOP is going to cause a revolt in America
Sick of the politics as usual bunch! Take your party and ram it where the sun don’t shine!!!
And the GOP will become irrelevant for a generation…Maybe two!!
I don’t believe a word of this ! Trump will roll into the RNC with the 1,237 needed to win the nomination ! #VoteTrump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
What total b******t!