Super Tuesday Two was supposed to settle the question of whether the Republican Convention this summer was going to be contested.
If Trump lost both Ohio and Florida, a brokered convention was all but guaranteed. If he won both, he would likely enter the convention to win the nomination on the first ballot.
Instead, we got a draw. Trump lost Ohio, but won Florida, and so the question of his path to the nomination is as big a question now as it ever was.
The establishment has now got a more difficult, but not impossible road ahead to steal the nomination from Trump, and they’ve enlisted the full donor class to work out a plan to make it happen.
See what they’re saying to the delegates poised to be at the convention on the next page:
IDIOT s!! PROPAGANDA TACTICS T.V.NEWS! Wake up and realize what’s really going to be happening VERY SOON!!
they would have hillary before losing their power an the money that comes with it
The people are ignoring the GOP and they don’t like it.
Sounds like Communist to me I say vote everyone in office out
I agree vote everyone out period
Senen Nieves I understand your frustration, but don’t take it out on Republicans or Republicanism. It’s the idiots running the RNC who are messing up things. Like it or not, this country is a two party system. We all remember what happened when Ross Perrot ran: Bill Clinton. This time I think a lot of people (myself included) will follow Trump no matter what party he runs with. And don’t forget, we still have the right to write-in a candidate on our ballots.
It is my belief that no matter what happens, there will be riots
But it’s republican politicians that run the RNC, and they are not going anywhere so why should we support the party. The party wants to destroy the voters candidate, that is unacceptable, that tells me you don’t care about me as long as I am a good$#%&!@*kissing republican party voter and do as I am told , really! !!!!
Everyone in thd RNC should be fired