Trump is correct in his assessment of how Fox conducted the debate. They asked him questions that were more like veiled accusations, while they would ask Jeb Bush questions that attemtped make him look rosey…but Bush foiled that effort by looking completely nervous on stage.
The typical questions went something like this: (paraphrased)Fox News: “Jeb Bush, how did you get to be such an amazing leader?”
Fox News: “Donald Trump, who do you hate women?”
As if a debate with totally contrived questions wasn’t enough, Fox News also had a pre-arranged assembly of apparently “ordinary citizens” who were asked, after the debate, how many of them now hated Donald Trump.
In all, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson and Scott Walker all came off as highly intelligent, passionate Americans. Rand Paul was off his game but made some great points nonetheless. Christie just looked like Jabba the Jackass, wagging his finger at Rand Paul while promoting the Orwellian surveillance state. But the real jackass of the night was Fox News itself, which clearly fed Jeb Bush a list of pre-arranged softball questions.
Fox News did a similar thing to Ron Paul. The news agency was all to obvious in their bias, in doing so they only foolishly hurt themselves. Disappointment with the hosts runs very high – Meghan Kelly in particular sacrificed her fan base.
Really Fox, you think you can slant the debates against someone whose numbers are so high at a time when America sits on her death bed looking for someone to bring in the antedote? You only laid down on the same bed.
its all staged and drama…
The GOP establishment is doing everything in its power to control the electorate and drive Trump out. He is not controllable, and he is not beholden to any of them. For example, if the USA had really wanted to build a wall in the Southern border, it would have done so by now. But there must be billions of special interest dollars (drugs?; trade?; illegals and the immigration attorney lobby; cheap farm labor?) that go to line the pockets of the politicians in power. If a Trump comes along, with no special interest ties, and actually closes that border, billions of dollars will dry up that will go to benefit the country and not the pockets of the political elites.
What these so-called pundits don’t understand, is that like corporate stocks or other investments, the current “price” already takes into account the past performance of the company and the projected profit and/or loss of the company.
In the case of Trump, those of us who support him, have “already considered” the fact that he is rude, loud, obnoxious, abusive and completely not politically correct! Our “investment” in Trump comes AFTER we have already known for years what he is, how he is, how he deals with problems, with those that attack him, with business situations (like his bankruptcies and re-negotiations with bankers), and the rest of it. Our “investment” in Trump will NOT be derailed from these types of attacks; the “investment” is being made precisely BECAUSE OF, all of the things we know him to be!!!!
I think those that support Trump want rude for once, want an unapologetic cheerleader for the USA, a man that will love the USA from the gut, that will be willing to set his wonderful life aside for the sake of the country, to put himself through the humiliation of being on a stage “for free” as he said, with 9 other chumps and be questioned about his motives, his past, his business decisions. Trump was prepared to tell us how he was going to Make America Great Again (you can also read his book Time to Get Tough that has a plan for everything) and instead he was utterly and unfairly attacked.
It’s not going to work. MORE people are going to follow Trump. Maybe a revolution by a 3rd party win and a gutting out of the useless Republican establishment that is no better than the liberals.
You are wrong.Trump is a jerk and the world got a good dose of him.All you liberals hope Trump will get the nomination so you can have another crook like Hillary for your president.I feel sorry for you but stupid cannot be fixed.
Wrong, Carly was the winner. She is a true Patriot.
Trump is a Rino.
Yes very correct.
A Good Group of Candidates, except for Christie!!! He was a Turncoat to Romney and GOP in 2012 Election!!!Listen to His Speech at Convention Promoting Romney; It was all about Himself. That is a Turncoat!!! Plus His Hugging of Obama did not help, either.!!!
Fox is now run by the radical sons of Ailes and Murdoch.
No losers ,all were winners