The band wagon is vast and they are all playing the same tune: “Mitch McConnell is a good and honorable guy, but the base is leaving our party,” Roger Villere, the chairman of the Louisiana GOP, told the Washington Times.
“I’ve worked for 12 years as chairman to build this party, and I just don’t want to see it all go down the drain because the [leaders] aren’t willing to fight for what we believe… Our base is demanding we do something or they’re going to leave us,” said Villare, who also holds a position at the Republican National Committee. Read about McConnell leaving on the next page:
The other Rino has to go too.
If you or anyone else doesn’t fight against King Obama and his destruction of America, you all need to resign!!!!
Long enough ol boy, go home. The big money backers you have, has already gotten their money’s worth. You’ve let the people you represent down.
Get out McConnell
I call Boehner stepping down, a step in the right direction. Take his lead McConnell
Bye bye, blood-sucking rodent, nibble, nibble with your recessed jaw on the fool’s gold parachute and the scraps from the rich man’s table.
Get rid of McConnell!!
FIRED just as good too
Time for all these dinosaurs to go………….
He and Harry Reid, need to walk out hand and hand together!