The band wagon is vast and they are all playing the same tune: “Mitch McConnell is a good and honorable guy, but the base is leaving our party,” Roger Villere, the chairman of the Louisiana GOP, told the Washington Times.
“I’ve worked for 12 years as chairman to build this party, and I just don’t want to see it all go down the drain because the [leaders] aren’t willing to fight for what we believe… Our base is demanding we do something or they’re going to leave us,” said Villare, who also holds a position at the Republican National Committee. Read about McConnell leaving on the next page:
Hurry up & go creepo
is there anyone on here that sees anything anyone in politics does as good?? They are all no good, a lier, a cheat, a traitor, not honorable,sells out their own country and they are Republicans.??????? Are there any bad Democrates???? Are they with out faults?? Do any of them make mistakes????? What about the facts that they get sick and tired of trying to pass laws that would and could make some things better for America and get put down everytime?? I could sit here and name many bills and many changes that should have been passed but were not. I say, pay attention to the person and watch what he does and says and stop being one sided and decide which party will do the best work to change the way things are. An almost 8 yr. term for a POS has dug deep into our beliefs and into our pockets. Our debt is horrific and our schools have failed our children. religion has fallen by the wayside unless it is at fault by gays and blacks who seem to think we owe them all something. What is it that we owe you people?????? I was not a slave owner, Nor were any of my kin. What is it that would make politicians happy??? And the people who drive nails into them when they m,ake mistakes??
Yup you got to go!
as donald would say your fired
Needs to go now not later. Reid and Pelosi also.
Political hack
Let’s wait and see what is done and who is put into place before celebrating…