According to Michael Snyder, a conservative author and Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, we are about to witness a never before seen convergence of events guaranteed to represent a fundamental turning point for humanity
By now you’ve probably not only heard but have been preparing for the total solar eclipse moving across the United States for the 1st time in 99 years. The total solar eclipse on August 21st is just the beginning. August 21st marks a chain of 12 events that are supposed to occur over a 40 day period ending on September 30th.
One of these events coincides with Sept 13th or the “Revelation 12 sign” foretold by John in the book of Revelations and the end-of-times. And the realizations are not pretty. We are living in uncertain times that match way too closely to the words foretold by ancient prophets of old to ignore. Whether you put much stock in the good book or not, Snyder’s map of the next 40 days is just too eerily close to reality to ignore. He knows what he is talking about! See for yourself all of these 12 events on the next page to figure out what’s really going on and what you need to know
the treatment of this piece, to align it with the NWO isn’t quite on target i think. the author is a Christian conservative author and GOP candidate. according to his website he wants to do such things as abolish the IRS
this stuff is out there, for sure, and in such cases it’s best to say ‘according to…’ so people don’t think it is us saying this stuff is true
so the ‘who’ is important, in this case this gop candidate
could you do a quick rework? this could be a great piece
Is blm going to$#%&!@*and say it is racist that the sun is only black for a few minutes every few years and try to tear it down?
Now don’t go getting all apocalyptic and scaring people. The job isn’t that lucrative anymore!
Doesn’t mean c**p!
You’ll know if it’s real if it happens !
There are people who claim this standard eclipse is the Sign of Jonah, a 40 day warning. The truth is a standard eclipse can only cause a 7.5 minute total eclipse from one point on earth. It requires a much larger object 7 times earth’s diameter for a 3 hour solar eclipse that darkens the entire earth like what happened at Jesus’s Crucifixion. That object is the Fiery Red Dragon of Old, a planet/comet which is 7 times earth’s diameter. Google Planet 7x, Gill Broussard, if you want to know what the real Sign of Jonah is. It takes 40 days to reach the earth once it rounds the sun. It brings with it 7 years of famine, iron oxide debris, meteor storms, asteroids, plasma bursts, earth tilts, crustal shifts, and delays in earth’s rotation as it has in the past. Personally, I believe the crossing of the 2017 and 2021 solar eclipses could X mark the spot Wormwood, an asteroid the size of a mountain, will strike the earth. Just sounds like a warning God would give.
yeah. alot if those RINOS will be getting re-called