The American public is tired of the lies coming from Congress and cynical about their ability to lead the nation and whether they truly represent the people. Occasionally, a congressman will come along and inspire the nation with an idea or a proposal that resonates and suggests that our representatives actually do care about our well being.
Iowa Republican Representative Rod Blum introduced legislation Friday that seems to be that type of proposal, though there are many who will feel it is just for show and will never come to an actual vote. Nevertheless, it is worth considering and following, because it could set a standard for future debate in coming years.
See Rep. Rod Blum’s proposed legislation on page 2:
I agree what you think. But I would take it a step higher. Cut their pay by 50%, when they have to go to DC they fly coach and when in DC they should have to reside in Barracks just like the military and eat from the Mess Hall. they are not above anyone else. If they want to travel then that should come out of their pockets and not the tax payers monies. If they want to go on vacation they should have to pay for that themselves and if the president travels on his aircraft and goes on vacation that should have to come out of his pocket also. They should get travel pay and have to document any vouchers they turn in. If not required for them to be in DC then they should be in their home state doing what they were elected to do. If they violate any of these rules they should be dealt with just like you or I and that would be falsifying documents and kicked out of office and if they do not up hold their Oath that too should be grounds for dismissal. 1 other thing, when they leave office they get their retirement right a way. That needs to change and they should not be able to draw that until they become of age and receive what you and I will get and not that large amount they get after leaving their office after terms. That needs to end, they did it to the military and if it is good enough to do that to those that protected this country then it should be good enough for those that are supposedly Honoring the Oath of Office they took, but most do not. They waist needs to stop.
you guy’s are so ! slash their heads before they will do this one..!!
They are a greedy bunch they won’t pass it!!!
why slash them only til the budget is balanced, they get paid way too much as it is and reap the rewards of a lifetime pension after they serve their terms. That is the real travesty here, that they feel entitled, no matter what the cost to the taxpayers, because of course, they approve their own salary increases and do not have to listen to those that put them on that cushy little job with lifetime benefits!
I’ll believe it when I see it.
This bill will go exactly NOWHERE.
They get paid to much for doing nothing except ripping taxpayers off
this is long over due