The American public is tired of the lies coming from Congress and cynical about their ability to lead the nation and whether they truly represent the people. Occasionally, a congressman will come along and inspire the nation with an idea or a proposal that resonates and suggests that our representatives actually do care about our well being.
Iowa Republican Representative Rod Blum introduced legislation Friday that seems to be that type of proposal, though there are many who will feel it is just for show and will never come to an actual vote. Nevertheless, it is worth considering and following, because it could set a standard for future debate in coming years.
See Rep. Rod Blum’s proposed legislation on page 2:
Yes! About time!!
Excellent solution!
‘Bout time!
That is what is needed!!
Sounds like the best candidate in America today! I think there should be term limits, and it should be an unpaid honor to serve in Congress!
We can only dream!
It will never pass! They should have done this a long time ago but all those people do is make the laws with loopholes for themselves. They take for themselves any way they can and take away from our Veterans, miliatry, and senior citizens. They love to give billions away to illegals, muslim refugees who want to take over our country and kill us, and other countries who laugh at us and hate us. We are making the heads of those countries only richer and little or none go to the people who need it. I’m sick of Obama and many of the past presidents who continue to hurt our country. All this has been going on for way too many decades. Time the people take our government back and put them in their rightful places working for us or get them out. Lobbyists for big business, cartels, and special interest groups should be outlawed. They should be held accountable for every dollar they take from anyone and have to give hand it over to be used lowering our indebtness! All the illegal drug money they confiscate should go to our deficit. It would not take long to pay the debt off if someone like Trump is President. God Bless our country and make us strong and good again! God Bless Trump and keep him safe!
Me either! As messed up as our nation is because of those greedy little turds (politicians ) They have no right at all saying we need someone with experience in politics. We need a person who is a natural born leader, that is not scared to speak out, has common sense and can get things done. Trump is that person.