The American public is tired of the lies coming from Congress and cynical about their ability to lead the nation and whether they truly represent the people. Occasionally, a congressman will come along and inspire the nation with an idea or a proposal that resonates and suggests that our representatives actually do care about our well being.
Iowa Republican Representative Rod Blum introduced legislation Friday that seems to be that type of proposal, though there are many who will feel it is just for show and will never come to an actual vote. Nevertheless, it is worth considering and following, because it could set a standard for future debate in coming years.
See Rep. Rod Blum’s proposed legislation on page 2:
The Republicans certainly helped destroy the United States. The Republicans are bought out by the lobbyest and can’t get anything done, the Congress is full of self indulging cry baby brats who only look in the mirror and not to the country. They have been selling us out for 30 years . This situation is very different. Satos and Rothchild have worked on this plan for 40 years or more. The UN is very involved and so is Israel in developing the NEW WORLD ORDER that’s behind this immirgration. They are trying to commit the Genocide of Christian and Jewish and all White people in the world. Except the Clinton and Kerry’s of course. If you don’t commit to Islam you will be killed. The muzzys of today are a Nazis and muzzy mix. Inmen are little Hitlers So lets get organized and get OBAMA out of our WHITE HOUSE !
we need turm limits and make it a treason for congress or the senate to take money from anyone to vote that person agender .they get paid enough for the days they work ,and if they dont like the pay leave.also make them work in govfor 20 years for there penchin not 6 years for life .they should fire all of them and start over with all new people in threre.there all stuped want to do away with obama care well they voted in into law
Thats what Dems do best is blame everybody but themselves.Just ask any Dem they will tell you real quick it is somebody else’s fault
There’s a reckoning coming and hell’s coming with it.
Find the Criminals? I count 537!!!
Great idea but they’ll never pass that for themselves.
What else is in it there is always c**p
Wouldn’t that be a hoot? More propaganda to keep us busy.
When have they represented our wish,s I,m 55 and hell it,s been the same old lame$#%&!@*lies all the time,and remember Clinton pass NAFTA it refers to North American Free Trade Agreement sorry had to spell it out for them liberal,s who have sent thousand upon thousands of jobs across seas and put millions out of work here. And now wants us to except these refugees,after the Government gives them everything ,while children ,families Vets are homeless and out on the streets. And Obama and his muslims go get F–ked
I don’t trust any of them anymore in Washington DC . They can’t take care of the people here in the United States of America !.