The American public is tired of the lies coming from Congress and cynical about their ability to lead the nation and whether they truly represent the people. Occasionally, a congressman will come along and inspire the nation with an idea or a proposal that resonates and suggests that our representatives actually do care about our well being.
Iowa Republican Representative Rod Blum introduced legislation Friday that seems to be that type of proposal, though there are many who will feel it is just for show and will never come to an actual vote. Nevertheless, it is worth considering and following, because it could set a standard for future debate in coming years.
See Rep. Rod Blum’s proposed legislation on page 2:
Dream on.
They seem to vote themselves a cost of living raise every year while they whine that there just isn’t money for Social Security!!! And now I guess Obama and Congress is gutting Soc.Sec.!!!!
Best idea I’ve heard yet
Dave Kolarik We need to remove Cook County and the whole city of Chicago from the state. They have 56% of the voting powers over the rest of the state, What Chicago wants it gets in the votes. It is time to make it it’s own sewer and quit feeding off the rest of this state.
Rauner is probably the only one in Illinois that is not a crook.
Should be slashed permanently.
Cut them to SS status
about time but how about no salaries until budget is balanced. watch the rat leave the ship.