The Trump Factor is certainly a phenomenon. America sees her country slipping away and seeks someone that can restore her to the great beacon of freedom and prosperity the rest of the world looks up to.
America sees that person as Donald Trump. And with good reason…the man is an American success story. Anyone with the brains and drive of The Trumpster can achieve what he has. Now, this ‘American success story’ seeks to restore the country that gave him the opportunity to create what he has back to its glory.
The map on the following page shows just how enamored with the possibility that Donald Trump can restore our nation.
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We know what Trump has done , he’s a billionaire. Someone tell me what your person has achieved.
go trump go
Its because we’re sick of lying politicians. We need a smart business man to put America back on track
either we are going to feel the Bern or get trumped..
This HAS to be the end of the world when white undercover racist wants to put a pompous obviously racist idiot in the white house…..white supremacy movement.
^^^ voted for obama
Yes I did and it was a mistake….I don’t like alot of his policies but I don’t hate him….you people hate him because he’s brown skinned and is the leader of the free world,obviously this bruises the racist psychology of you people. Your racism is sickening.
I’ll go with conservatives, and hopefully Trump will do it!
we put up with the liberals political correctness for seven years already and now it is time for 8 years of common sense with Donald… will take that long to undo all the damage the Democrats have done to our country……………
All you could say is that I voted for Obama?…….no rebuttals?