Gohmert said the Comey testimony revealed an attempt to manipulate the election, but this time it wasn’t the Russians. He noted the conversation between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Comey about the Clinton email investigation.
At best, it was an attempt to manipulate the election, not by the Russians in this case, but by the Department of Justice – the Attorney General herself – cause that came from Comey.”
The Texas congressman accused Comey of lying in his testimony about possible obstruction of justice by President Trump.
I believe I heard him say he did the memo [about possible obstruction of justice] then he talked with some of his colleagues,” Gohmert insisted to Fox News host Julie Banderas. “We need to round up everybody he talked to because they were all conspiring against the president and all conspiring against their oath of office, conspiring against their own employment agreement.”
In discussing the news that Lynch wanted Comey to refer to the Clinton email probe as a “matter” instead of an “investigation,” Gohmert wondered why Comey wrote no memo about that encounter.
[Comey] totally ruined his own credibility – or what was left of it. He did vast damage and raised big red flags and questions over Loretta Lynch’s job as head of the Justice Department. [Lynch] was using her official position to help the campaign of Hillary Clinton and that didn’t seem to bother him enough to do a memo.”
Gohmert believes that entire matter should be the focus of a congressional investigation. He reinforced the idea that there should be a house cleaning at the DOJ.
We need to round up all those people [Comey] talked to – because we have a conspiracy remaining afoot in the Department of Justice that is going to be out to destroy this president and they’ve got to be fired if not worse.”
Since President Trump took office in January, Louis Gohmert has been one of his staunchest supporters in the Congress. If President Trump is to succeed in his presidency, he clearly will need more leaders like Gohmert to step forward and stand up for him.
Loretta Lynch and the justice dept. under Obama all conspired and lied to keep Hillary out of prison, Comey went along with that so he is just as guilty, Now since most of the American People knew the Democtatic party lied and deceived they put Trump in the White House and what remains of the Obama justice dept. Is still doing what they can to get Trump. Comey on the other hand is laughing all tge way to the bank with his 10 million dollar book deal.
The Democratic crooks and the Rhino’s always come out ahead! They are professional thieves, better than any Mafia!
More distraction to hide something against so many elites!
Of course they are conspiring, they just can’t stand loosing so all the left can do is spit an lie an cause riots to defy the fact they lost the election. When you think your entitled I guess you stop.at nothing. That’s how it looks
Louie, Louie good start
Betty, how it looks is that alt White Cheeto voters are in bed with Russians and THAT is a NATIONAL SECURITY RISK of immeasurable gravity…and all you clowns do is whine about why Hillary’s emails (leaked if you recall) didn’t cause her to go to jail. It looks like The Righty Whitey’s are so blinded by hate, they are more than willing to defend a serial liar, serial adulterer, and a momma’s boy from his self proclaimed dictatorship…That’s how it looks to the world and most literate Americans.