Before feminism was saddled with the poor reputation it holds today, the movement was led by people like Gloria Steinem. She may not have been totally agreeable, but she at least focused on relevant feminist issues like abortion. But despite being a product of the less radical, 1960s era feminist movement, Steinem has recently fallen victim to the same toxic liberalism that has befallen much of the current feminist movement’s leaders.
Back in Steinem’s heyday, feminism was less objectionable than it is today. Nowadays, feminism has become synonymous with the liberal social justice movement. All feminists must now be liberal and must subscribe to every facet of liberal ideology. If not, they’re not welcomed by the feminist community. If they’re outright conservative, they don’t even stand a chance.
Steinem is apparently keeping up with the times. Now, she’s connecting her favorite topic of abortion with the current hot topic of climate change.
See how she managed to conflate the two issues on the next page:
You people kill murder more kids than guns ever will
Stupidity speaking again
Is it too late to abort her?
Who listens to these fools?
Hang this skank
The older she gets the more batsh*t crazy she seems to become !!
How about we start a boarding people when they’re her age take her out
Abort yourself, dumbass.
Off with that have head
Since they like them every liberal needs aborted.