Donald Trump’s rise to prominence was likely more about what he was not than what he was. Sure, he was a billionaire, a celebrity, and had a name synonymous with success, but one of his greatest strength was no doubt his status as a private citizen. Donald Trump was no politician, and he didn’t act like one, either.
The 2016 race is all about the outsider. Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and — to a lesser extent — Ted Cruz all benefited from their distance from Washington D.C. Americans wanted change, and they weren’t going to find it among the rank-and-file political elite.
This wasn’t just a Republican phenomenon, either. Hillary Clinton almost saw her own chances dashed by another outsider opponent, Bernie Sanders.
Still, it doesn’t look like the Clinton campaign got the message. Instead of appealing to the nationalist tide sweeping across the United States, the Clinton team is instead palling around with the world’s globalist political elite.
George Soros is the “PuppetMaster of the Democrat Liberal Socialist Party..
Tim Kaine the puppet . A cancer upon him and his family .
The FBI will protect Hillary
Kaine reminds me of Jim Carey’s character in dumb and dumber with that goofy$#%&!@*smile he has on his face except he isn’t acting.
not good soros is evil and I have heard his son is worse
You know,” I think we may be seeing the two who are actually trying to do hillery In
Loser Soros.
Root of all corruption sick! Sign this petition to have Obama remove now and pass it on!
Just as I’ve known for awhile now, a vote for Hillary is a vote for George Soros “New World Order” ruled by him and other rich and powerful elitist who will rule with an iron fist and remove all freedoms and rights and treat white chriistians like 2nd class subjects!