Donald Trump’s rise to prominence was likely more about what he was not than what he was. Sure, he was a billionaire, a celebrity, and had a name synonymous with success, but one of his greatest strength was no doubt his status as a private citizen. Donald Trump was no politician, and he didn’t act like one, either.
The 2016 race is all about the outsider. Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and — to a lesser extent — Ted Cruz all benefited from their distance from Washington D.C. Americans wanted change, and they weren’t going to find it among the rank-and-file political elite.
This wasn’t just a Republican phenomenon, either. Hillary Clinton almost saw her own chances dashed by another outsider opponent, Bernie Sanders.
Still, it doesn’t look like the Clinton campaign got the message. Instead of appealing to the nationalist tide sweeping across the United States, the Clinton team is instead palling around with the world’s globalist political elite.
Occupy Democrats Failed Leadership Has Been Destroying Our Country, States, Cities & Citizens For Decades.
Just Look At The Democrates Giant Trojan Horse Plan To Bring 110,000 Of Unvetted Refuges To Destroy Us From Within, Please VOTE On Nov.8th MAGA!
Americans Who LOVE OUR COUNTRY Must Come Togther For Ourselves, Children, Grand Children & Great Grand Children.
To Protect & Preserve Our Constitutional Rights For Generations To Come If Hillary Clinton Is Elected She Will Appoint 3 To 5 Liberal Judges To The Supreme Count & Many More To Federal Courts Around Our Country.
Please Unite Together This November 8th To Protect & Preserve Our Rights & Freedoms By Voteing For;
Trump/Pence 2016. Thank You America ~ Get Out The Vote!
Damn!! Ain’t this SSppeecial???
Criminal traitors.
I already knew Soro’s was behind Ovomit and Killary, so this doesn’t surprise me one bit.
Just great! Why would ANYONE vote for someone who is associated with the Soros family!
They are secret lovers
I d love to meet them
Is that his boyfriend.?
Hopefully people are researching Tim Kaine!