Intrepid “global warmists” or “global changists” continue their brave war against facts and clear evidence as reality continues to pile up against their dishonest and conjured arguments that the sky is falling and the earth is close to a literal meltdown. Various governments are intent on selling the idea of global warming or climate change because it represents potential trillions of dollars in new tax revenue and control of populations. That means reworking temperature and C02 readings to align with their computer models, explaining away why the glaciers have not all melted, why there are virtually no killer hurricanes as were predicted, and why there is no sea level rise. The proponents need to quickly implement drastic changes in how we live in order to show that they have “saved” us from certain climatic doom. The longer we wait without experiencing the predicted climate disaster, the more obvious it becomes that their prophetic preachings are nothing more than self-serving nonsense.
Some of the more amusing displays that the Warmists predictions are completely off are the current ice measurements at the North and South poles. We have been told that it would only be a matter of a few years before the massive quantities of ice at both poles would melt away, and cities like New York and Los Angeles would be submerged under 20 or 30 feet of water. It has not exactly turned out that way.
See page 2 for current status of melting poles:
No such thing a load of c**p
Global Warming 1922 then / now Ozone/Global Warming /Nuclear wast
Global Warming 1922
Unreal for 93 years they’ve been screaming global warming ….Gene
1922 – THE SKY IS FALLING ! 1922 !
This report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post – 93 years ago
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate, at Bergen, Norway Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
This must have been caused by the Model T Ford’s emissions. 93 years later they are still trying to sell it to you ———————>>Ozone/Global Warming /Nuclear wast
Ozone/Global Warming /Nuclear wast
1985 on ozone disappearing …As long as we have the sun ..We have ozone layer around the earth. They said aerosol cans & a.c. units were causing ozone depletion & NASA c/ rocket launch’s & cows farting , really..we as a species out number cows & we fart a lot lol………It was b******t too…..
Acid rain killing trees by humans….This was by volcanoes …well the northern volcanoes stopped 30 years ago. volcanoes produce sulfuric dust from that comes sulfur acid & hydrogen gas comes together & makes hydrochloric acid. So when the Volcano’s stopped no more acid rain……
Global warming is b******t cause it too is volcanic in nature from over the last 50 years of volcanic activity & some is still going on in the Hawaii chain of islands………but guess what …we still are freezing our$#%&!@*s off like normal. Proof in this is the history of the ” Little Ice Age”…1300 till 1835 or so Tambora blew its top that caused new food changes/drinks & there was winter in July thru the next 500 year almost. This almost caused extinction of humanity in Europe
Then the e-mails between England & America on weather change were found out to be bogus & the truth finally came out……If you doubt that , you can look up Dr. Joe Bastardi he is a hell of a Meteorologist & he will give the facts for sure.
All of the above is for MONEY for Al Gore & company….not you / me . Believe me when this planet starts another geologic change & it will ….she’ll kill you & not shed a tear over it. Just like the mega fauna that’s not here anymore(Mastodon /Saber Tiger/Mammoth …..!!!!!!
Oh , you’ll say ,…” Nuclear has wast”…well if the great Pres. Jimmy Carter would’ve never screwed over Westinghouse on keeping the re-charging of the rods in house like it was designed/engineered to do, instead he/Jimmy decides to bury it in Yucca Mountain , real smart. The French in house re-charge right in their plants & never have to screw with burying anything, THAT’S SMART & We were going to do that. Every Green Energy Investment has been fraudulently handled & money lost , our tax payers money at that. These are facts & you look them up. All have a nice day & a safe year…..Gene……
Water rising & mining the moon ?
This below is my thoughts….Gene
Hey , Yeah know how all the college educated & PHD’s say we are in a global warming cause the ocean levels are rising at a few centimeters to a inch or so a year……well of course their totally full$#%&!@*& here’s why….
” What happens when you take a bowl of water put some soil in it. Water displacement happens & there’s not as much water as before & there’s more land now creating a island.
Well there have been oh several dozen volcanoes , especially on Ohau /Hawaii blowing it’s top for 35 plus years now.
Oh$#%&!@*guess what ……it has increased the size of Ohau greatly plus the second volcano beside it is creating a whole new chain of islands ……well i’ll be damned …” water displacement “….. ” which will cause the oceans levels across the whole freaking planet too rise “….the heat & sulfuric acid & all other minerals blown sky high & later turn into rain by mixing with the cloud layers turn into ” acid rain “….oh goodness me….the trees are dying ……not really….guess what …it only lasted for 3 years & it cleared up like nature intended it too.
We will have more land on the planet though ….Oh joy …” more freaking real estate brokers ”
So here it is in nut shell……
” There is no Ozone problem by N.A.S.A. shooting off the Columbia through our atmosphere cause as long as we have a ” Sun ” we will have ” Ozone ” …cause the sun replaces it every oh …FREAKING DAY college geniuses of the world !!!!!!
There is no acid rain cause the atmosphere as cleaned it out.
There is no global warming from a car , cow farts , power plants ect.
However oh great geniuses of the world we are in the beginning / middle of a geologic time change & when it’s done you freaking idiots none of us may be here from it & there is not one freaking thing you can do to STOP IT & EARTH WON’T CRY A TEAR WHEN SHE DOSE IT OVER YOU NOT BEING HERE. ” This is as bad as the Georgia Senator saying a Pacific island in the MidWay chain would flip over upside down from building a landing strip & new airport facilities on the island ” ……THAT IS REALLY IGNORANT & STUPIDITY AT ITS BEST !!! You wonder why nothing gets done in D.C. & this was Georgia State only !! REALLY …What school did you go too & get a degree so you could be a Senator …make sure I do not send my kids there !!!!!!
Oh but wait ……Now some really smart idiots want to start ” MINING THE MOON ” …REALLY …HOW DAMN IDIOTIC IS THAT ONE.
For what ….HELIUM 2 which can put out enough energy from a pound of it to light up a city for a year…..
Well these geniuses I guess forgot that the moon is our sister satellite that keeps us in a upward position & running evenly & without it …guess what…” WE WOULD NOT BE HERE AT ALL !!!! ”
( they said on the news they would start mining the moon in 5 years from now…2020 )
So you geniuses go ahead & mine that moon & destroy us & you won’t have to worry about all the above false b******t you started.
And they call us Conservatives dumb Dinosaurs……
Best ,
Al Gore’s Inconvenient Toxic Waste Dump –
Al Gore the supposedly daddy of the Internet/Computer & Global Warming is a E.P.A. Nightmare polluter…..Gene
Environmentalist Gore allowed zinc mine –
USA Today
Mar 18, 2007 – CARTHAGE, Tenn. — Al Gore has profited from zinc mining that has released millions of pounds of potentially toxic substances near his …
Al Gore, Environmentalist And Zinc Miner – WSJ
The Wall Street Journal
Jun 29, 2000 – The author of “Earth in the Balance” has a zinc mine on his farm in Carthage,Tennessee which has been shown to pollute both water and soil …
From Al to Zinc: Mine Story Shows How a Fatherly Favor Haunts Gore … The Wall Street Journal
The Gore family sold mining rights to property in Carthage, Tenn., three decades ago — and the environmental legacy of zinc mining haunts Al Gore Jr. to this day. … for the EPA makes a more serious claim about the plant in Clarksville, Tenn., …
Kathleen Brooks , Sounds good & you had great teachers ! & excellent post !! ————My thoughts & teachings & I have two on this !————————————————————————>>Global Warming 1922 then / now Ozone/Global Warming /Nuclear wast
Global Warming 1922
Unreal for 93 years they’ve been screaming global warming ….Gene
1922 – THE SKY IS FALLING ! 1922 !
This report was from November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post – 93 years ago
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate, at Bergen, Norway Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.
Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.
Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.
Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.
This must have been caused by the Model T Ford’s emissions. 93 years later they are still trying to sell it to you ———————>>Ozone/Global Warming /Nuclear wast
Ozone/Global Warming /Nuclear wast
1985 on ozone disappearing …As long as we have the sun ..We have ozone layer around the earth. They said aerosol cans & a.c. units were causing ozone depletion & NASA c/ rocket launch’s & cows farting , really..we as a species out number cows & we fart a lot lol………It was b******t too…..
Acid rain killing trees by humans….This was by volcanoes …well the northern volcanoes stopped 30 years ago. volcanoes produce sulfuric dust from that comes sulfur acid & hydrogen gas comes together & makes hydrochloric acid. So when the Volcano’s stopped no more acid rain……
Global warming is b******t cause it too is volcanic in nature from over the last 50 years of volcanic activity & some is still going on in the Hawaii chain of islands………but guess what …we still are freezing our$#%&!@*s off like normal. Proof in this is the history of the ” Little Ice Age”…1300 till 1835 or so Tambora blew its top that caused new food changes/drinks & there was winter in July thru the next 500 year almost. This almost caused extinction of humanity in Europe
Then the e-mails between England & America on weather change were found out to be bogus & the truth finally came out……If you doubt that , you can look up Dr. Joe Bastardi he is a hell of a Meteorologist & he will give the facts for sure.
All of the above is for MONEY for Al Gore & company….not you / me . Believe me when this planet starts another geologic change & it will ….she’ll kill you & not shed a tear over it. Just like the mega fauna that’s not here anymore(Mastodon /Saber Tiger/Mammoth …..!!!!!!
Oh , you’ll say ,…” Nuclear has wast”…well if the great Pres. Jimmy Carter would’ve never screwed over Westinghouse on keeping the re-charging of the rods in house like it was designed/engineered to do, instead he/Jimmy decides to bury it in Yucca Mountain , real smart. The French in house re-charge right in their plants & never have to screw with burying anything, THAT’S SMART & We were going to do that. Every Green Energy Investment has been fraudulently handled & money lost , our tax payers money at that. These are facts & you look them up. All have a nice day & a safe year…..Gene……
Kathleen Brooks , Water rising & mining the moon ?
This below is my thoughts….Gene
Hey , Yeah know how all the college educated & PHD’s say we are in a global warming cause the ocean levels are rising at a few centimeters to a inch or so a year……well of course their totally full$#%&!@*& here’s why….
” What happens when you take a bowl of water put some soil in it. Water displacement happens & there’s not as much water as before & there’s more land now creating a island.
Well there have been oh several dozen volcanoes , especially on Ohau /Hawaii blowing it’s top for 35 plus years now.
Oh$#%&!@*guess what ……it has increased the size of Ohau greatly plus the second volcano beside it is creating a whole new chain of islands ……well i’ll be damned …” water displacement “….. ” which will cause the oceans levels across the whole freaking planet too rise “….the heat & sulfuric acid & all other minerals blown sky high & later turn into rain by mixing with the cloud layers turn into ” acid rain “….oh goodness me….the trees are dying ……not really….guess what …it only lasted for 3 years & it cleared up like nature intended it too.
We will have more land on the planet though ….Oh joy …” more freaking real estate brokers ”
So here it is in nut shell……
” There is no Ozone problem by N.A.S.A. shooting off the Columbia through our atmosphere cause as long as we have a ” Sun ” we will have ” Ozone ” …cause the sun replaces it every oh …FREAKING DAY college geniuses of the world !!!!!!
There is no acid rain cause the atmosphere as cleaned it out.
There is no global warming from a car , cow farts , power plants ect.
However oh great geniuses of the world we are in the beginning / middle of a geologic time change & when it’s done you freaking idiots none of us may be here from it & there is not one freaking thing you can do to STOP IT & EARTH WON’T CRY A TEAR WHEN SHE DOSE IT OVER YOU NOT BEING HERE. ” This is as bad as the Georgia Senator saying a Pacific island in the MidWay chain would flip over upside down from building a landing strip & new airport facilities on the island ” ……THAT IS REALLY IGNORANT & STUPIDITY AT ITS BEST !!! You wonder why nothing gets done in D.C. & this was Georgia State only !! REALLY …What school did you go too & get a degree so you could be a Senator …make sure I do not send my kids there !!!!!!
Oh but wait ……Now some really smart idiots want to start ” MINING THE MOON ” …REALLY …HOW DAMN IDIOTIC IS THAT ONE.
For what ….HELIUM 2 which can put out enough energy from a pound of it to light up a city for a year…..
Well these geniuses I guess forgot that the moon is our sister satellite that keeps us in a upward position & running evenly & without it …guess what…” WE WOULD NOT BE HERE AT ALL !!!! ”
( they said on the news they would start mining the moon in 5 years from now…2020 )
So you geniuses go ahead & mine that moon & destroy us & you won’t have to worry about all the above false b******t you started.
And they call us Conservatives dumb Dinosaurs……
Best ,
Kathleen Brooks , We all LOVE the biggest hippocrite & socialist trash of ” ALL ” Al ” global warming ” Gore is not a angel at all with all of his ” Earth mock-ups & diagrams of psuedo science ” !!!———————————————————————–>>Al Gore’s Inconvenient Toxic Waste Dump –
Al Gore the supposedly daddy of the Internet/Computer & Global Warming is a E.P.A. Nightmare polluter…..Gene
Environmentalist Gore allowed zinc mine –
USA Today
Mar 18, 2007 – CARTHAGE, Tenn. — Al Gore has profited from zinc mining that has released millions of pounds of potentially toxic substances near his …
Al Gore, Environmentalist And Zinc Miner – WSJ
The Wall Street Journal
Jun 29, 2000 – The author of “Earth in the Balance” has a zinc mine on his farm in Carthage,Tennessee which has been shown to pollute both water and soil …
From Al to Zinc: Mine Story Shows How a Fatherly Favor Haunts Gore … The Wall Street Journal
The Gore family sold mining rights to property in Carthage, Tenn., three decades ago — and the environmental legacy of zinc mining haunts Al Gore Jr. to this day. … for the EPA makes a more serious claim about the plant in Clarksville, Tenn., …
Too funny !