For upwards of a decade, people from all over the world have been reporting and posting videos of strange sounds emanating from the sky. What are these sounds? Many state they sound like trumpets, and they do.
But what are they? It’s it some sort of hoax where people from different places and different times all join in? Are they the trumpets as noted in The Book of Revelation as some claim?
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Is that so
Hey guys, Straight Outta Compton Full Movie Dub Its finally here (no adds,no spam, no link)
Oh,,,the people I post to
need proof, man. Lol
@[1675851469:2048:Deasia Storm Pence] the sound you heard, still happening. Lol
How do we know that these people are not making the sounds in the background.
If he comes all trash will be taken out. Amen.
Time is already here repent now
Most of these have been proven as hoaxes…
Don’t believe such. The bible says that there will be a shout and the trump of God . this sounds like a hoax to me. But then just so I know I live every day strictly by Gods word. I font believe this. Its a lie
If it was really happening its the rapture. .. or project blue beam look into it