One more step toward world domination.
The UN has announced their new Global Goals…and they are frightening!
This tyrannical set of 17 totally impossible objectives is designed halt the civilized and developed world then retrograde back to some Pre-Industrial Age…actually, that would be the Islamic World of the 7th Century.
That makes perfect sense considering who runs the UN.
More on the next page:
Look. You can complain all you want and nothing is going to change. This is a well orchestrated take over of the United States of America. There is nothing that can be done. The military has been down sized so low that it can not stop it. The military commanders that have been put in charge are in on it. The congress, both democrats and republicans are in on it. That is why Obama gets away with whatever he wants too. It is too late. I am sorry to say. This is the end of America that was once the greatest and most powerful country in the world. It is no ones fault but our own that we elected the sorry men and women that ran our country into the ground. So, save your breathe screaming about what should be down to fix it. No one is listening. They are all just laughing at us just like the rest of the world is laughing at us. Our country has been destroyed. If you do not believe this you are a total fool. The only thing that we can do to protect our children and grandchildren and the future generations is to stand up and fight for our country and take it back .
If you are a liberal or you are just stupid. Please do not reply. We know that you do not care about this country. All you care about is what free stuff you can get from it. Just sit back and relax and the true Americans will fight and die for your freedoms.
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Cap And Pay Carbon Tax ! agenda 21! Fu un! Important to watch for us all..
Not in America!!!!!
cut the un’s funds off and you cut their heads off. they are only after our tax dollars. time to boot them out of our country.
Called New World Order!
Billie, they’re after more than our tax $. They want our sovereignty and have manipulating it for 40 yrs. we will have a rebellion here and soon I think
If Germans Had Guns This Islam$#%&!@*would have been stopped over there in a second!!!!