All in a matter of hours, the NYSE, United Airlines and the Wall Street Journal have all suffered computer glitches enough to force the companies to stop in their tracks.
This bizarre set of coincidences also coincides with the largest stock market crash since the great depression…China just lost TRILLIONS.
If you look at the live cyber attack map, you can see the US is getting hit hard at the moment.
It has started.
But DID ‘they’ post it? Therein lies the question…..
Nero fiddles as Rome burns………how history repeats itself.
Blame it on OBAMA he wants marshall law so he can sty in office like King Herod.
Obama is not scared. He has planned this the whole time. When it all crashes and he declares martial law because all hell is breaking loose and suspend elections. Then it becomes ruler. Even Benjamin Carson said a year and a half ago when asked if he is going to run for president in 2016, he said yes if there is an election.
They will tell you not to panic, and you shouldn’t, because that’s how foolish choices are made. But, they will also tell you what to do in order to survive, and it will likely include the word “comply” or “compliance,” and that is something you should definitely not do. We as neighbors will have to rely and trust one another and not those who wish us to comply.
Definitely part of Jade Helm.
Microsoft’s operating system !
JH15, troll. everyone just chill out