Of all the things that Donald Trump is accused of being, racist seems to be the most common. Even talk radio host, Glenn Beck is accusing him, and Tea Partiers, of racism and also making comparisons between Trump and foreign dictators because of his comments about his name being on the wall in between the United States and Mexico. Is Donald Trump a racist? The media thinks so. With a few well-known Tea Party people supporting Trump, Beck is calling into question exactly what they believe.
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right. so if we want a real leader were racist
Glen Beck. Any questions?
I have been wondering about Beck for a while. I think he has lost his mind.
Glen’s been drinking some strange stuff
Glenn, sorry that you have joined those that can’t think of anything else to say so they try to degrade by sayin that someone is a racist. It is a tactic that, too often,is used when someone is put in a corner and can’t think of a response.
Beck already got the “Obama Syndrome”.
Glenn Beck is a Commie … and he’s lost his Mind ….
ok, sounds like they finally got to beck. he’s gone over to the dark side.