Of all the things that Donald Trump is accused of being, racist seems to be the most common. Even talk radio host, Glenn Beck is accusing him, and Tea Partiers, of racism and also making comparisons between Trump and foreign dictators because of his comments about his name being on the wall in between the United States and Mexico. Is Donald Trump a racist? The media thinks so. With a few well-known Tea Party people supporting Trump, Beck is calling into question exactly what they believe.
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Beck you need mental help.
Sometimes I wonder about Glenn Beck. He seems to be having some problems lately.
Glenn you have lost it dude.. check your meds man.. maybe an adjustment is called for.. something.. good grief
Oh, we are?
Nope. No meaning at all. Were all racist on one way or another. So it’s a wash
Yeah he’s sucking the glue out of the tube …Beck: no more of your liberal c**p for me …EVER,!
Glenn Beck is a has been (or a never was)
Racist?? Labels,? We are a select group of Americans that can think for ourselves, and can take the facts and sort out the BS of liberalism.
I don’t think so–Glenn you don’t know what you are talking about
beck is off his rocker. must be drinking again.