Of all the things that Donald Trump is accused of being, racist seems to be the most common. Even talk radio host, Glenn Beck is accusing him, and Tea Partiers, of racism and also making comparisons between Trump and foreign dictators because of his comments about his name being on the wall in between the United States and Mexico. Is Donald Trump a racist? The media thinks so. With a few well-known Tea Party people supporting Trump, Beck is calling into question exactly what they believe.
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I used to like Glen Beck but like so many others he has crossed a line. I no longer supportGlen and Fox News.
Glenn you’re a f&*^&* idiot, go die somewhere
glen you seem to forget he’s 1/2 white! but even that doesn’t matter, he’s just a bad president you need some time off
Beck is a douche
Glenn Beck is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He is a ” New World Order agenda ” globalist.
I’m so sick and tired of hearing racist racist racist get over it
Oh Glen, you are so full of it.
No we are tired of all the bs and being called racists.If that is what it takes to get our country back I’ll do my part.
racist racist racist…i am sooooo sick of that word i could scream!!!!!!!!
Glenn is a pos