It seems no one can escape the shadows of Donald Trump. Glenn Beck learned that the hard way last week, as the billionaire businessman stole the spotlight from Beck, who was speaking on behalf of Ted Cruz, just by entering the room.
Glenn Beck may have endorsed Ted Cruz for president, but in the weeks since, its become clear that he is a lot more interested in attacking Donald than promoting Cruz.
He was doing just that right before the Nevada caucus — attacking Trump — which was made even more awkward when the small handful of people that gathered to listen to him promptly turned their backs on Beck and started chanting Trump’s name as the billionaire businessman entered the room.
It seems no one particularly took Beck’s admonishments to heart. See how Glenn Beck responded on the next page:
Trump 2016. Enough said
Trump plus Hillary equals trillary. Think I’ll vote for Cruz.
This article is a lie .
Beck needs to get off the Trump bandwagon……talk about issues…
Edd Benson go back to Canada and bring Cruz with you
Kat Delgado You may be right, and who decides who is “good people” and who is not? Compassion only goes just so far, and when American citizens are losing their jobs, and homes in order to pay for all of the social programs for all of these “good people” coming into our country illegally, then that is where I draw the line. Some have no desire to become American citizens. We have had perfectly good immigration laws on the books for decades, why not enforce them first before adding new ones.
Beck isn’t who he used to be thats for sure
Edd Benson -you better do more than a 2 month study then. What I stated is very true.