It seems no one can escape the shadows of Donald Trump. Glenn Beck learned that the hard way last week, as the billionaire businessman stole the spotlight from Beck, who was speaking on behalf of Ted Cruz, just by entering the room.
Glenn Beck may have endorsed Ted Cruz for president, but in the weeks since, its become clear that he is a lot more interested in attacking Donald than promoting Cruz.
He was doing just that right before the Nevada caucus — attacking Trump — which was made even more awkward when the small handful of people that gathered to listen to him promptly turned their backs on Beck and started chanting Trump’s name as the billionaire businessman entered the room.
It seems no one particularly took Beck’s admonishments to heart. See how Glenn Beck responded on the next page:
Edd Benson – Ted Cruz is a solid establishment guy. He is proving this more each day. And by the way, everytime he touts he won Iowa, no he stole Iowa. Big difference. He showed us how dishonest and misleading he can be. I do not trust dishonest Televangelist Ted.
Beck must have a brain tumor
Glen Beck is, indeed, a d0uchebag, but he didn’t “quickly steam out” of the room when Trump arrived. lol He stopped speaking, but he stood around with people taking pictures with them. The Media™: Full of lies, no matter which side they’re on.