Glenn Beck: Donald Trump has the ‘Makings of Adolf Hitler’

You would think after his absurd accusation that Trump voted for Obama back in 2008 was proven false Beck would be more cautious about what he said. Instead, it seems he is digging down, continuing to slander not just Trump but his followers as Nazis who be responsible for the collapse of America.

Not everyone agrees with Donald Trump, but they at least recognize that he is not a tyrant or mass murderer responsible for the deaths of millions. Nor do they believe he plans to do such a thing, even if they disagree with him on this or that issue. Beck, however, believes that his whole agenda is wrapped up in fascism, and chides Americans for not reaching the same nonsensical conclusion as him.

“‘That’s why you should be freaking out,’ he added. ‘Look, we have nothing against Donald Trump as a man. We don’t. It’s just this is a very dangerous combination and I have been warning against it since Fox. I said keep your eyes open because it will come. The pendulum will swing the other way and it will be bad. The only other thing you have to add to that — he’s talking about populism and nationalism. If you add socialism — populism, nationalism and socialism, you have the makings of Adolf Hitler. You don’t somebody who is a nationalist, a populist and has any kind of socialist or nationalizing the banks kind of ideas. Not a good idea, not a good idea.'”

Source: Breitbart

Beck has also had guests on to support his ‘Hitler’ allegations. From the Leftist “The Lip”:



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