Donald Trump must really be getting under Glenn Beck’s skin. After months of campaigning for Ted Cruz, nearly all of which was really just campaigning against Trump, Beck seems to have finally given up, and hurled his most immature insult Trump’s way in the process.
If you look what’s happening with Donald Trump and his playing to the lowest common denominator and to the anger in us,” Beck said. “[W]e look at Adolf Hitler in 1940. We should look at him in 1929. He was a kind of funny, kind of character that said the things people were thinking. Where Donald Trump takes it, I have absolutely no idea. But, Donald Trump is a dangerous man with the things he’s been saying.
Has anyone ever come away from a Hitler comparison and liked any smarter in the aftermath? It’s unlikely. Rather, its more likely a sign that Beck has finally come unhinged.
Source: Daily Caller
Glen it’s time for you to go back to cnn
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So sorry to infringe on your privacy,Its said that ‘A picture is worth a thousand words, but when I saw yours,it was more than words could explain.The charming profile is irresistible,though a little personal message but your look tells a lot about a nice person
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I use to like u,but now,no more
Evil is in the eye of the beholder.
Let me put this as simply as possible- You are an ass
Beck flipped out years ago and its worse every year.